Black Lillies' Van and Trailer Stolen 800 Miles Away

A Metro Atlanta home builder is striking back after months of playing victim to thieves. Like other home builders, Patrick Lockman is struggling with a challenging economy. As if that wasn't bad enough, thieves have made him a frequent target in recent months.
Bands: Save Your Valuables From Being Stolen With The MobileLock

The number of bands who are getting their valuables stolen lately is too damn high. The latest victims, Foxing, are the most recent in a long line of musicians that seem to be unfortunately losing everything they have. You don’t need a rocket scientist to tell you that this is an issue, especially for touring bands.
Introducing MOBILELOCK Locator with Anti-Theft Alarm

October 10, 2006 - Model DS500 MOBILELOCK(TM) GPS Locator and Anti-Theft Alarm sends alert by phone or email, allowing contractors to locate unit in real-time using Internet-based street maps or satellite imagery. Portable, wireless system mounts to equipment using heavy-duty magnets or screws, and runs off rechargeable Li-Ion batteries. Tamper, door, vibration, and temperature sensors can be programmed individually through phone or MOBILELOCK website for monitoring of assets.
C.O.P.S. on the beat with Mobilelock

MobileLock Expands Security Business with Addition of Unique GPS Alarm System Designed for Construction Industry -- September 2006 -
New device helps contractor deter copper thieves

Nine months ago, David Wright's construction company in Phoenix was losing up to $20,000 in copper theft per project, a serious problem in Arizona that last year prompted two new laws.